Servicing your prestige car with The Prestige Service Centre will NOT effect your manufacturers warranty ( despite what your main dealer may tell you !!! ) . Please find below UK and European Law:
In October 2003 European new legislation affecting the motor industry came into force called “Block Exemption Regulation” 14002002 (BER).
Before the law changed it was difficult to have new cars within their warranty period serviced outside a franchised dealer. The new law now allows everyone the freedom to service their car away from the main dealers, and still have their warranty protected.
At The Prestige Service Centre your car will be serviced according to the manufacturers service schedule:
Most important of all at The Prestige Service Centre you will save up to 40% off main dealer prices and that has to make everyone happy.
You can read the official statement from Office of Fair Trading on the changes to car servicing rules.
Servicing ties removed from new car warranties
The Office of Fair Trading Report
Date: 14th May 2004
Report: 85/04
All major makes of new cars in the UK will in the future be sold without servicing ties as part of their warranties, following action by the Office of Fair Trading.
The remaining manufacturers whose new car warranties including servicing ties have now lifted their servicing restrictions. Consumers will now be able to choose freely where they have their new cars serviced.
The move comes after an Office of Fair Trading study into new car warranties found that the "dealer-based extended warranties" offered by manufacturers included terms requiring that the new cars are serviced at a garage belonging to the manufacturer's franchised dealer network.
This was limiting consumers' ability to choose where to have their car serviced.
John Vickers, OFT Chairman, said:
"The car industry's response to the OFT's recommendations to remove servicing restrictions is good news. Consumers should now benefit from increased choice and competition between franchised and independent garages."
The lifting of the ties has avoided the possibility of formal action by the Office of Fair Trading under the EC competition law. Franchised dealers have been carrying out around 90% of servicing cars up to three years old.
However, servicing at franchised dealers is typically more expensive than servicing at independent garages.
The average price of a service at a franchised dealer was found to be 62% more expensive than at an independent garage, without any apparent in the quality of the service offered.
Servicing your car with The Prestige Service Centre cannot effect your vehicles warranty under UK and European Law.
We do promise:
With THE PRESTIGE SERVICE CENTRE your car is in safe hands