Tyres & Wheel Balancing

Tyres can by supplied and fitted at The Prestige Service Centre in Shepperton on the Surrey , Middlesex / Greater London Borders. We can supply and fit ALL makes and sizes of tyres and specialist in Tyres for Prestige, Sports, Super and Exotic Cars. 


 We use the latest most advanced wheel balancing systems and fitting techniques to ensure your wheels and tyre pressure sensors are protected during the fitting process. 


 We can provide a FREE tyre checking service when your car is in for repair and can supply and fit all manufacturer approved tyres. 


For more info please call 01932 240 471 or email info@theprestigeservicecentre.co.uk 

Wheel Balancing

Wheels that are not balanced or are out of balance generally produce a vibration that is uncomfortable to drive with and results in premature wearing of suspension, steering comonents, rotating parts and most of all tyres. 


This is even more critical on Prestige, Sports, Super and Exotic Cars that are designed to travel at high speeds and accelerate quickly. The Prestige Service Centre can re balance your wheels for you to stop this problem, saving you money in the long term. 


 Correctly balanced wheels help to eliminate vibration and aviod premature wear caused by an imbalance in the rotating wheel and tyre assembly. 


 The first sign that your wheels may be out of balance is when your steering wheel starts to wobble above a certain speed (normally between 50-70 mph). The light weight construction of modern cars means that they dont dampen down the vibrations caused by spinning wheels in the way that older, heavier vehicles could. 


 A driver may not always sense an imbalance at the steering wheel, especially in the rear wheels. It could be present still but dampened by the vehicles weight or if on the rear that they are not connected to the steering wheel as the front wheels are. This is why balancing is equally important for both front and rear wheels. 


 Wheels arr balanced on a wheel balancing machine. The machine rotates the wheel and tyre assembly and automatically calculates the weight and location of the wheel balance counter weight needed. 


 As a result of wheel balancing, you should notice a smoother ride and better even wear from your tyres, again saving you time and money.  

We supply / fit tyres and provide wheel balancing For ALL Prestige makes and models including: 


Audi Tyres and Wheel Balancing 

Aston Martin Tyres and Wheel Balancing

Bentley Tyres and Wheel Balancing 

BMW Tyres and Wheel Balancing ( including M series ) 

Jaguar Tyres and Wheel Balancing 

Ferrari Tyres and Wheel Balancing 

Lamborghini Tyres and Wheel Balancing 

Land Rover / Range Rover Tyres and Wheel Balancing 

Lexus Tyres and Wheel Balancing

Mercedes-Benz Tyres and Wheel Balancing ( including AMG ) 

Marerati Tyres and Wheel Balancing

McLaren Tyres and Wheel Balancing

Mini Tyres and Wheel Balancing ( including Cooper and Works Models ) 

Volkswagen / VW Tyres and Wheel Balancing 

Volvo Exhausts Tyres and Wheel Balancing

Contact Us

Prestige Service Centre  

Unit N, Laser House 

18 Doman Road

Yorktown Business Park



GU15 3DF


Tel: 01276 539679


Email: info@theprestigeservicecentre.co.uk 



Opening Hours

MON - FRI       8.00am-5,00pm

SATURDAY     9.00am-12.00pm



Book a service now

Call now to discuss your service requirements, fixed price servicing available for ALL makes and Models. 

Winter Check

Fixed Price Winter Checks  for your car from only £49+vat, while you wait. Make sure your car is ready and safe for the cold weather.  

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